The purchase of housing in Barcelona as an investment to rent is gaining weight as an alternative to the fixed term for investors with a low risk profile and for foreign investors with purchasing power. Facing an interest rate that can reach a maximum of 3% in a fixed-term lease housing offers a return between 4% – 6%.
Small investors with liquidity are willing to take advantage of the current decline in home prices, to buy opportunities at low price and rent them after.
The vast majority (75%) of investors buy in cash, since the current conditions of financing difficult obtaining optimal yields.
Nowadays, in terms of the profile of the investor, it is mostly Spanish (60%) aged between 30-45 years, but this trend is changing pretty fast as the foreign investors are focusing in the spanish market where prices have been decreased around 50%. Investors spend part of their savings in the purchase of a home to supplement their pension and transfer it in the future to their children.
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